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Re: Launchpad Spiral

by grirgz on 21 May'16 20:07 in code fork

For the challenge, let's make the path algorithmically =)

Re: Morphing Saw Bass

by grirgz on 14 Mar'16 22:29 in bass code fork morphing sawtooth

my hobbit: adding random arrays of LFO everywhere (bonus: a glitch i don't know where it come from)

Pi sonification

by grirgz on 14 Nov'15 19:07 in code fork

It take groups of 10 decimals from Pi and use each number as an index in arrays of patterns. If you are bored by pi, you can try other numbers

Re: Re: the perfect frequencies

by grirgz on 13 Oct'15 22:42 in ambient code fork random

That's why I love SC, I just randomly added code, and everytime something cool come from it! =)

Re: Algorithmic melancholy

by grirgz on 27 Jan'14 23:35 in code fork generative

A little fork. I left all the old code for historical reasons

Re: Variations for Z1 sawtooth

by grirgz on 03 Apr'13 19:41 in code fork

sad alarm

Re: Chicago Chord Pad

by grirgz on 30 Jul'12 15:11 in techno code fork chicago pad

a little fork of the Chicago chord pad. Edit: eliminate the click by replacing adsr by dadsr

reception: relaxed (1)cool (1)